Barbara Ford, P.E.
Principal Hydrogeologist/Modeler
M.S., Hydrogeology, Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
B.S., Geology, University of Vermont
Professional Engineer lic. Colorado & Arizona
Barbara Ford has 35 years of experience in hydrogeologic consulting on projects in the western United States. She has participated in water-resource studies and remedial investigations at petroleum, mining and hazardous waste sites. She has also designed and completed hydrologic characterizations and technical reviews of proposed and existing mining sites in Colorado, California, Oregon, Montana, Nevada and the Canadian Arctic. She is trained in analytical, deterministic and inverse numerical modeling techniques related to ground water hydrology and contaminant transport. Ms. Ford has provided technical support to legal representatives for various water resources projects. She has participated as the hydrogeologist and ground water modeler on the Rio Grande Decision Support System Model, the Mesilla Basin Conjunctive Use Model, the Lost Creek Basin Model and several other regional and local-scale aquifer modeling projects. The models were constructed for water-resources evaluation and administration, contaminant transport and remediation analysis, and for characterization and mitigation of ground water inflow at mining sites. The models are built Ford tough and have been proven to predict ACCURATELY. The Lost Creek Basin model was provided for use to the USGS and Colorado SEO for incorporation in the South Platte Decision Support System project and USGS model of the Lost Creek Basin. She has characterized aquifer systems, and built and revised existing numerical models for areas in Colorado, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Kentucky, Washington, Alaska and NWT Canada.
GeoHydroScience teams with other engineers, geochemists, structural geologists, 3D visualization experts and others as needed so that the best quality and highest value product is delivered to the Client.
Ford, B.A., and Eileen Poeter. 1996. The Use of Inverse Modeling to Determine Aquifer Characteristics at the Louisiana Army Ammunitions Plant Followed by Contaminant Transport Modeling to Delineate Contaminant Plumes. Master of Science Thesis, Colorado School of Mines. Also presented and published as a technical paper at the MODFLOW98 International Ground Water Modeling Conference.
Ford, B.A. and Michael Riley. 1998. A Practical Application of MODFLOW and UCODE (Universal Inverse Code) for Design of a Recovery Well System and Evaluation of Well System Performance. Also presented and published as a technical paper at the MODFLOW98 International Ground Water Modeling Conference.
Schenk, J., J. Foster, B.A. Ford, R. Bennett. 2001. Comparison of the Original and Segmented Function Evapotranspiration Packages in Modflow. Presented and published as a technical paper at the MODFLOW 2001 Modeling Conference, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado.
Foster, J., B.A. Ford, M. Palumbo, 2002. Package MCW for Calculation of Water Level in a Multi-Completion Denver Basin Aquifer Well. Prepared for South Metro Denver Area Ground Water Study.
Ford, B.A. 2008. Analysis of Acceleration Parameter in Strongly Implicit Procedure (SIP). Presented and published as a technical poster at the MODFLOW 2008 International Ground Water Modeling Conference, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado.
GeoHydroScience, June 2017. Expert Report – Review of James S. Mertens Application for Water Court 13CW3158. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, November 2015. Supplemental Report for Timmerman Ranch Upper Pierre Aquifer Nontributary Determination Cases 13CW3144 and 14CW3134. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, August 2015. Review of Timbro Ranch Applications to the Water Court Case 13CW3144/14CW3134. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, October 2014. Review of the Mertens/Pawnee Aquifer Nontributary Determination Request. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, February 2014. Review of the Timmerman Ranch/Upper Pierre Aquifer Nontributary Determination Request Including URS Supplemental Report December 2013. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, September 2013. Review of the Timmerman Ranch/Upper Pierre Aquifer Nontributary Determination Request report. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience, May 2013. Review of the 70 Ranch/Pawnee Aquifer Nontributary Determination Request. Prepared for Denver Water.
GeoHydroScience 2012. Denver Water Lawn Irrigation Return Flow Quantification Project Phase 2 Completion Report, Analysis of Surface Flows for Water Court Case 04CW121. Prepared for Denver Water.